

In our daily routine, we come across many shapes that are round in shape, such as a wall clock, a wheel, sun moon, earth, coin, bangles, rings, etc. These all shapes are called a circle. 

The circle can also be imagined as a single line segment that is bent in a circular shape.

Circle Definition

  • A circle is a collection of points in a plane  from a given fixed point.


  • The fixed point is called the center of the circle.


  • The fixed distance from the center is called the radius of a circle.


  • A line segment joining any two points on the circle is called a chord. 


  • A chord that passes through the center of the circle is called the diameter of a circle.
  • Also diameter is the longest chord and can be expressed as 2r where r is the radius of a circle. 
  • There are infinite numbers of diameter in a circle.


  • A chord that intersects the circle in two points is called a secant.


  •  A line that touches a circle in one point is called tangent to the circle. 
  • And that point is called the point of contact.

Arc :

  •  A piece of circle between two points is called an arc.


  • The length of the complete circle is called the circumference of a circle. 
  • It is also said to be the perimeter of the circle.
  •  The circumference of a circle = 2πr, where r is the radius of a circle.


  • The region between the chord and the arc is called the segment of the circle.
  • The segment containing the minor arc is called the minor segment and the segment containing the major arc is called the major segment.


The region between the arc at the two radii is called the sector. 


Properties of Circle

  • Circles with the same radii are said to be congruent.
  • The longest chord of a circle is the diameter of a circle.
  • The diameter of a circle is double the radius.
  • The diameter divides the circle into two equal semicircles.
  • The radius that is drawn perpendicular to the chord bisects the chord
  • A circle can be inscribed in a square, triangle or a  kite

Formulas For Circle

Diameter d : 

The diameter of a circle is twice the radius of a circle.

d = 2r


The outer boundary of the circle is the circumference of the circle. The formula for circumference is given by-

C = πd = 2πr 


Area of the circle is defined as the space occupied by the circle. The formula for area is given by

A =πr2

Example 1:

 Find the Area and the Circumference of a circle whose radius is 7 cm. (Take the value of π = 22/7)


Given radius r  = 7 cm.

Area A = π r× r

= 22/7  × 7 x 7

Area  = 154 

Circumference C = 2πr

     = 2  x 22/7 x 7 

Circumference =  44 cm

Example 2 :

 If the diameter of a circle is 12cm. Then find its area.


Given, diameter d = 12cm

So, radius r = d /2 

= 12/2 

= 6cm

Hence, area A = πr^2

          A = π x (6)^2

  = 3. 14 x 36

          A = 113.04 cm2


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