
Showing posts from July, 2021


  SET LANGUAGE COLLECTION OF FRUITS COLLECTION OF VEHICLES COLLECTION OF FLOWERS   Any collection of objects is called as SET.  Do you think the above objects are related to each other? Yes! The trumpet and xylophone, cooling glass and sun, driller and screw driver, skating cycle and bicycle, football ball and soccer ball, ice cream and cone ice cream. These are the objects related to each other.  COLLECTION OF STATES IN INDIA  COLLECTION OF CLASSICAL DANCE IN INDIA COLLECTION OF SMART STUDENTS IN A CLASS Do you think the above three collections are well defined? The collection of states and classical dance in India are well defined but the collection of smart students in a class are not well defined because it is not specific.          Here “well-defined collection of objects” means that given a specific object it must be possible for us to decide whether the object is an element of the given collection or not. The objects of a set are called its members or elements. A set is a well d


Circle In our daily routine, we come across many shapes that are round in shape, such as a wall clock, a wheel, sun moon, earth, coin, bangles, rings, etc. These all shapes are called a circle.  The circle can also be imagined as a single line segment that is bent in a circular shape. Circle Definition A circle is a collection of points in a plane  from a given fixed point. Center The fixed point is called the center of the circle. Radius The fixed distance from the center is called the radius of a circle. Chord:  A line segment joining any two points on the circle is called a chord.  Diameter:  A chord that passes through the center of the circle is called the diameter of a circle. Also diameter is the longest chord and can be expressed as 2r where r is the radius of a circle.  There are infinite numbers of diameter in a circle. Secant:  A chord that intersects the circle in two points is called a secant. Tangent:  A line that touches a circle in one point is called tangent to the cir


Symmetry  What is Symmetry? When a shape is divided from the center, it is divided into two identical halves. Or you can say when a figure is divided into two halves one is the mirror image of the other.  Consider the below shape of a butterfly, if it is folded from the exact center, it will be identical on both sides.  Such shapes are called symmetrical shapes.  And the shapes which are not identical on both sides of the centerline are called asymmetrical shapes. Examples of symmetrical shapes are found all around us, like a flower, a butterfly, etc. Line of Symmetry The figure is divided along the center line which is an imaginary line this line is called the axis of symmetry or the line of symmetry.  The line of symmetry can be  horizontal  vertical diagonal. There can be  one two more lines of symmetry. Example of a figure having one line of symmetry Example of a figure having two lines of symmetry. From the below figure the rectangle is divided horizontally and vertically. The das