
Showing posts from September, 2021


  ALGEBRA - POLYNOMIALS TYPES OF POLYNOMIALS 1) POLYNOMIALS BASED ON TERMS MONOMIAL :  The expression which contains only one term is called as monomial.   Example: 5a, 3x BINOMIAL :  The expression which contains two terms is called as binomial. Example: 5x+3, 3a+2b TRINOMIAL :  The expression which contains only three terms is called as trinomial. Example: 4X 2 +2X+5 POLYNOMIAL :  The expression which contains two or more that many terms are called as polynomials 2) POLYNOMIALS BASED ON DEGREE CONSTANT :  A polynomial of degree zero is called as constant polynomial.  Example: 5, 7 LINEAR :  A polynomial of degree one is called as linear polynomial. Example: 4x, 7a QUADRATIC :  A polynomial of degree two is called as quadratic polynomial. Example: 4X 2 +2X+5 CUBIC :  A polynomial of degree three is called as cubic polynomial. Example: 3x 3 - 4X 2 +2X+5 ARITHMETIC OF POLYNOMIAL ADDITION OF POLYNOMIAL The addition of two polynomials is called as addition of polynomials. Example:  P(x) =


  POLYNOMIALS CONSTANTS      Constants means a numerical expression which cannot be changed in other words constants are the fixed values.  Examples of constants are 6, 7, 1.543, 5/7 etc.. VARIABLES     Variables are represented by an alphabets which can be changed.  Examples of variables are a, j, m, x etc.. ALGEBRAIC EXPRESSION      The combination of both variable and constants are called as algebraic expression. Examples : 4x 2 -8x+5, 3a 2 b+5ab 2 -7 COEFFICIENTS       Any of the term is multiplied by the variable is called as coefficient of the  remaining term. Example: 4x 2 -8x+5 - In this expression, the variable of x 2  is 4 and the variable of x is -8 and 5 is the constant term. POLYNOMIAL      A polynomial is an arithmetic expression consisting of variables and constants that involve four arithmetic operations and non-negative integer exponents of variables.  Generally, polynomials are denoted by f(x), g(x), p(x) and so on. CONDITIONS OF POLYNOMIALS      A polynomial exponent


  2-D Shapes In geometry,  2d shapes  and 3d shapes are explained widely to make you understand the different types of objects you come across in real life. These shapes have their own pattern and properties. Depending on many factors, such as angle, sides, length, height, width, area, volume, etc., the shapes can vary. 2D Shapes Definition In maths, 2d shapes can be defined as the plane figures that can be drawn on a flat (or plane) surface or a piece of paper.  All the 2d shapes have various parameters such as  area and perimeter . Some of the 2d shapes contain sides and corners, whereas some have curved boundaries. Geometric shapes  Geometric shapes are regular shapes. Most geometric shapes have straight lines, angles and points. The two exceptions to this rule are circles and semi-circles.  The ten basic geometric 2D shapes are: Circle Triangle  Semi-circle  Square Rectangle Parallelogram Rhombus Trapezium  Kite Polygon 2-D shape names and facts Circle     A circle is a two-dimensi